
L’intelligence artificielle fait sa place

L’intelligence artificielle fait sa place

Le 8 février dernier, le Programme des gestionnaires en émergence du Québec (PGEQ) annonçait la sélection de la firme Evovest, de Montréal, pour la gestion d’un mandat en actions mondiales. Fondée en 2017 par Carl Dussault, son PDG, Evovest a lancé son premier fonds alimenté par l’intelligence artificielle (IA), le fonds Evovest Actions Mondiales, en [...]
How Canada’s Hedge Fund Sector Continues to Evolve : Benefits and Pensions MONITOR

How Canada’s Hedge Fund Sector Continues to Evolve : Benefits and Pensions MONITOR

When the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) first opened a branch in Canada 15 years ago, the hedge fund sector in this country was just starting and still small. The way firms were set up and products marketed was very different to today. Indeed, as we mark our crystal anniversary in Canada, it is thrilling [...]
Perspectives : Industry Leaders on the Future of the Hedge Fund Industry

Perspectives : Industry Leaders on the Future of the Hedge Fund Industry

Foreword Welcome to Financing the Economy 2018, the fourth edition in a series of papers analysing the global private credit industry produced by the Alternative Credit Council (ACC), the private credit affiliate of the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA). This edition is again produced in partnership with Dechert LLP. We are delighted to be publishing [...]


4590, boul. Saint-Laurent,
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2T 2R3

4590, boul. Saint-Laurent,
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2T 2R3

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