The richness and growth of the FIAM ecosystem are based on the relevance of its mission and the quality and added value of its initiatives and events. With this in mind, FIAM invites personalities who share its vision and values to contribute, according to their interest and availability, to the realization of this vision.

These individuals have complementary profiles, interests, and expertise. They are active in various sectors, including institutional, academic, and industrial fields, both in Quebec and internationally. They view their involvement in the FIAM ecosystem as a valuable opportunity to give back and contribute to their personal and/or professional goals. Some members of this group may potentially be part of the future governance of FIAM.

Thus, FIAM is pleased to announce the appointment of François Melançon as the first member of the FIAM Ambassadors Club.

Claude Perron, FIAM’s founding president, is delighted to announce the arrival of François Melançon, CFA, FRM, CAIA, FCSI as FIAM’s ambassador. In this role, François will play an advisory and coordination role, particularly with regard to the participation of industry in the implementation of FIAM’s initiatives and events.

François Melançon
François Melançon


Ambassador of FIAM

François Melançon holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certifications from the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), Certificate in Derivatives Market Strategies (CDMS), and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). He has a master’s degree in Economics from the Université de Montréal and is a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI).

For the past thirty-five years, François has had the opportunity to work at various levels in the field of fixed-income securities, derivatives and asset management. He began his career as an analyst at Deragon Langlois in 1986 and then in 1990 at Levesque Beaubien, where he held several positions in equity, fixed income and derivatives management. In 1998, he became a partner/manager at Scheer Rowlett & Associates, a young investment management firm. In 2001, with the collaboration of the financial group Connor, Clark & ​​Lunn, he took charge of bond management at Baker Gilmore, once again as a partner/manager.

Passionate about his work, François Melançon sought to expose himself to all facets of the company’s responsibilities during his 20 years of collaboration. In 2019-2020, he participated in the reorganization of the investment sector at the Fonds de solidarité FTQ as interim investment manager, and then became part of the team that overhauled the investment policy and investment management.

Today, François is also an external member of the investment committee of the Industrial Alliance Pension Plan, a member of the risk committee at McGill St-Laurent and CWP Énergie, a commodities logistics firm, and an advisor/partner at ByDealers, an art auctioneer.

Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie

Visiting Researcher, Bohdi Research Group

Ambassador of FIAM

We are delighted to announce the addition of Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie in the select group of FIAM Ambassadors. In this role, he will cultivate the partnership between FIAM and Bodhi Research, thereby enriching discussions around data science and AI/ML within the finance/asset management industry.

Pierre-Philippe brings a highly relevant profile for our mission, combining more than 25 years of experience in the asset management industry and deep technological knowledge thanks to his academic journey, including a Master of Science in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon University. Over the course of his career, he worked with fixed income and cross asset absolute returns teams. Prior to joining Bodhi Research as a Visiting Researcher, Pierre‐Philippe was CIO fixed income then Co-CIO of an asset manager until March 2022. He is also known as the founder of Razorbill Advisors, a Montreal‐based investment management firm focused on fixed income, absolute return, total return and relative‐value strategies.

Welcome in the initiative, Pierre-Philippe!

Cordell L. Tanny

Founder & CEO, Trend Prophets

Ambassador of FIAM

FIAM welcomes a new ambassador: Cordell L. Tanny, who brings a strong focus on technology applied to finance and asset management, thanks to more than 25 years of experience in financial services, specializing in quantitative finance.

Cordell is currently the President and co-founder of Trend Prophets, a quantitative finance and AI solutions firm. He is also the Managing Director of DigitalHub Insights, an educational resource dedicated to introducing AI into investment management. Prior to his current position, he worked as a quantitative analyst and portfolio manager for a leading Canadian institution, overseeing a $2 billion multi-asset retail investment program. Cordell is a CFA Charterholder, a certified Financial Risk Manager, and holds the Financial Data Professional charter.

Welcome to the initiative, Cordell!

The richness and growth of the FIAM ecosystem are based on the relevance of its mission and the quality and added value of its initiatives and events. With this in mind, we invite professionals who share our vision and values to contribute to our mission.

Does our initiative speak to you? Contact us to discuss your potential role as a FIAM ambassador, according to your interests and availability.


4590, boul. Saint-Laurent,
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2T 2R3

4590, boul. Saint-Laurent,
Montréal (Québec)
Canada H2T 2R3

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